Monday, February 8, 2010

Laughable Landscaping

Nearly five years ago, when we originally moved into this house, our backyard was literally one big, steep hill of dirt. Nothing more. Nothing less. It's come a long way since then, thanks in part to hired hands and in part to our own sweat and tears. Even with all the work we've put into it, there's still a lot of hill and a lot of dirt back there. Many times I've wished we could have leveled more of the yard for the kids to play in. But, that hill brings more laughter (not to mention dirt) into my house than most things, so I'm thankful for it.

(Good thing we recently replaced the fence with a super sturdy, steel-post fence!)

1 comment:

Mary said...

Okay - here's a comment, Erin! Just watched the videos and laughed so hard. Glad you replaced the fence posts recently!! :D