Saturday, June 28, 2008

"That was all God!"

This week Isaac and I have been at VBS, learning all about serving God, by serving our family, friends, neighbors, and community! It was a fun opportunity for me to be with Isaac all week in a different environment. I often felt completely out of my comfort zone, as teaching preschool and elementary-aged kids is definitely not my gift. Thankfully, the kids didn't seem to mind and I know they had a lot of fun and even learned something. The church did something really unique this year, by having VBS in backyards and parks! It was "God's Big Backyard!"

The first two days, when we introduced ourselves, Isaac wasn't himself. Since I was there, he hid behind me, acted shy, and I had to do the introducing. (I know he doesn't do that when I'm not with him, like at preschool or MOPS.) So, after the second day of that, when we were talking about our favorite parts of VBS that day, I asked him if he'd try to speak up the following days and introduce himself. He said he'd try. Well, the following day was 180 degree difference from the previous days! He not only introduced himself, but he spoke in a loud, confident voice (much louder than the other, older kids) and he raised his hand for nearly every question - much more Isaac-like! On the way home, we were talking about what we had learned and our favorite part of that day and I took the opportunity to praise him and thank him for "coming out of his shell." He then responded with (literally, I'm not making this up), "Well, that was ALL God. I just said a little prayer, asking God to be with me during those times, and that's why I did that." I'm telling you, this kid has the most amazing faith! It is so neat to watch him blossom and to grow! He even witnesses to his brother. (That story will be for another blog.)

While Isaac, Elyse, and I were at VBS Mon-Thursday, MiMi and Austin had special one-on-one time. I think it was good for both of them! MiMi realized Austin isn't as big of a terror as she once thought, and Austin LOVED the attention from MiMi all to himself. He looked forward to it everyday and then came home for lunch to tell us about everything they had done together! It sure is nice having my parents so close by - even if it is only for a few months a year.
These shots with MiMi and PopPop were taken on Father's Day.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Creative Play

A couple of weeks ago, we made a quick trip to Creede, CO - my heaven on earth. It was a bit different this year because my parents and sisters didn't make it, due to scheduling, but my aunt, uncle, and cousins did. We all actually ended up staying in one cabin together. I know, that's a scary thought - 9 people - family - together for 3 nights in a small little cabin, but it was wonderful! We weren't on one another's toes at all and we all just had a great time being together. It was also very special because we asked my Godchild, Hayley to be Elyse's Godmother! We're very excited for this beautiful woman of God to develop a special relationship with Elyse and help guide her in her walk with the Lord.

While we were there, the boys decided to play in my car and take their own "road trip." They have such a good time playing together, it's such a blessing. So, I didn't mind them playing in the car, but at one point I looked out the window and saw this, rather than a "road trip."

In many ways, this photo, is the epitome of Austin...he certainly keeps us busy.
Here are a few more photos from our trip.

Austin snugglin' with Uncle Wes

Thursday, June 12, 2008

We're back in the saddle again

It's been close to a year since I sat down and wrote about the daily happenings in our life, but yesterday an old high school friend contacted me through Facebook and I saw her family blog and I realized how special this space can be - both for us as a family and for others to see. So, here we go again.

On April 14th God blessed us with another beautiful child to complete our family, but this time He gave us a girl!!! Elyse Tilney Eilmes arrived "fashionably late" at 41 plus weeks and came in with a bound at 9 lbs 2 oz. She's beautiful. Her big brothers are still in awe of her and love to teach her words and how to "find her hands." What a blessing to see them developing loving relationships for one another. I'm so thankful to have grown up with my sisters and now my children get that chance, too!

Although this motherhood thing is often unpredictable and heart wrenching, I am amazed each and every day, that God has blessed me with this INCREDIBLE gift of being a mom to three fabulous children.