Thursday, August 21, 2008


There's been a lot of chocolate in our house lately.

Problem? I don't think so.

Messy? YES!

We've had a lot of fun. First, my fabulous mentor mom from MOPS last year stopped by with a bunch of goodies for us. She brought me a yummy starbucks drink, a cute decorative piece about "The Home," and a journal to start a great tradition with Elyse. (I love using other people's ideas to create traditions for my family!) She also brought the boys buckets with shovels, ice cream, and worms to make MUD! We mixed it all up, added oreos and surprised them with a super fun dessert. As you can see, they loved it! I'm so glad she brought the "fixin's" over because it reminded me to be a "fun mom" in the midst of all the "to do's."

I had to remind Austin several times that it wasn't REAL mud, as he tends to be our "sensory" kid, smelling, tasting, touching, etc EVERYTHING that he comes in contact with. So far, I haven't caught him trying to eat REAL dirt/mud...yet!

Shortly after our "mud" experience, we had some friends over for dinner. In true Erin-not-the-greatest-hostess fashion, rather than making chocolate covered strawberries, as planned, due to a lack of time, we simply melted chocolate and served globs of it on everyone's plate with several strawberries! In my opinion, it was much more fun that way, but once again, pretty darn messy. The kids loved it.

Needless to say, I don't think Isaac and Austin could ever think we've had too much chocolate! Poor chocolate for her yet! She just has to watch and look pretty!

Thursday, August 14, 2008


Elyse is 4 months today. I can't believe how quickly these first months have gone. At her 4 month check-up she was 15 lbs 9 oz and 26 1/2 inches long. She's definitely not a little petite thing! She is such a happy little girl that Kurt and I are talking about making her nickname "smiley." I think she has found a "favorite" in Isaac - she simply beams at him anytime she makes eye contact with him.

She loves to make noises and "talk" to us and suck her thumb or whole hand. She's rolling over from her back to her tummy, but not in reverse yet. I think she'll be eating solids earlier than the boys, as she is extremely interested in food. She's already trying to grab forks from us as we bring them towards our mouths.

When we were in Oregon, we went to the Oregon Zoo and took a fun train ride through the zoo and Washington Park. Lisa got a photo of all five of us on the train. I honestly think it's one of only 3, since Elyse was born.

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Uncle Bear


After Lisa and Dan's wedding we had a "mini-Malone Family Reunion." The boys had a BLAST with everybody. Austin and Uncle Ted, (aka Teddy) had a ball together the second evening. As I was showing Austin photos on the computer from the weekend, we came across this photo and I asked Austin who was in the photo. He said, "Austin and Uncle Bear." Uncle Bear?! Oh, Uncle TEDDY (Bear)! I love this stage - when they're hysterical without trying to be...
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