Monday, September 3, 2007

"Preferable" wording

Today is a work day for Mommy, so I've primarily been in the office working on the reporting for owners, but on occasion I take a break to see my boys. It's been a pretty "lay low" day for the boys because Isaac is recovering from a night of projectile vomiting. Thankfully, it only happened twice, but truthfully, I had never seen anything like this. It was coming out of his nose and mouth at a force that was stronger than Hurricane Katrina! Poor kiddo.

Without my prompting, after the first episode, in a sad voice Isaac said, "Too many sweets!" The kid is smart. I was a bad mom this weekend and let him go two days without his carrots and broccoli and he had s'mores for the first time, waffles with syrup and whipped cream, a piece of cake, a cookie, and more at brunch with the family. I kind of can't believe I let him do all that, but I just thought...only this weekend. Well, his poor little body couldn't take it all and he hadn't had enough sleep. Poor kid. The good news is, he now is a bit afraid of sweets! :-)

This afternoon, because he has been in the recovering mood, after his nap, I allowed him to choose a video. I pointed out a few and he politely told me, "No, mommy, I'd prefer a different one." His vocabulary cracks me up at times!

Thankfully, Isaac appears to be on the mend and Austin hasn't shown any signs of projectile vomiting, so that's a good thing. (By the way: Murphey's Law never fails -we just got our carpets cleaned a few weeks ago and a week after, our friends' son threw-up on the stairs after blueberry pancakes and then Isaac had his episodes last night, which started in the hallway on our carpet. Plus, I did a thorough cleaning on the bathroom just Saturday!! Oh with kids!)

I think we may just start calling Austin, "spazz," in a loving way, of course, but the kid is crazy! Today he ran head into a drawer in the kitchen, turned around, fell off balance, and then kept on ticking. He really is a funny kid.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Today we were driving along the highway to join friends for a playdate at Mr. Biggs (an indoor kids FUNzone.) As we drive, Isaac gives the play-by-play commentary of every front-end-loader, skid, crane, etc. that we pass, due to all the highway road construction, which he thinks is simply fabulous. (The rest of us need to learn some enthusiasm from him.) After he pointed out all of the pieces of equipment, there was a bit of silence, then I heard, "That's AMAZING! Do you see that Mommy? Isn't it amazing?" I hadn't heard him say amazing before, so that was funny enough on its own, but then discovering that the green median was the "amazing" thing, just made my day. His enthusiasm truly is contagious!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Heaven on Earth

We recently returned from our annual trek to Heaven on Earth, CREEDE, CO! It was fabulous, other than the fact that Kurt couldn't join us for the whole week, due to some work issues. The boys had a blast and we created some great memories. Here are just a few photos from the trip.

Isaac caught the fish ALL by himself on a lure, not worms!  
(PopPop helped a bit, but he was the one who was reeling it in when they realized he had a fish!) He was pretty excited, but when we asked him to hold it, he wasn't so sure...
The best part is on video - PROOF that my boys are two COMPLETELY different kiddos. Isaac was terrified to let the fish touch him, while Austin laughed hysterically and squeezed the poor fish to death for 5 minutes. He would have gone on, but we took it away. When we tried to put the fish closer to Isaac, Isaac squeeled and Austin busted up even more!!

The bottom photo is the whole DWT family! It was fun for all of us to be together!

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Thursday, July 19, 2007


Yesterday we just happened to be in the right place at the right time! This police helicopter landed right in the park we were playing at for the summer day camp kids! We watched it land, got to sit in it, and then watched it take off again! Needless to say, the boys were thrilled!
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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Here we go...

Well, I don't know if it's the excessive heat or what, but I've decided to hop on the band wagon of blogging. I think it was my friend, Claire, that inspired me. Her blog has allowed me to keep in touch with what her family is doing and how their kids are growing and changing, even though nearly 9 hours of terrain separate us. If I keep up with this, maybe it will keep some of you that are far away, more up-to-date with the happenings of the "Eilmi."

I think I'll primarily use this space as a place to share some of those (quite frequent) hysterical moments with my kids. (Some of them aren't so hysterical until some time has past...hence the website address for this blog.) I don't write down Isaac's comments enough, so maybe, knowing that some of you would get the chance to experience them too if I blogged about them, will inspire me to "take action."

Since it's nearly midnight and Isaac gets up at 6, I'll keep tonight's short...

During Austin's nap, Isaac was looking at old photo albums this afternoon. He was rummaging through an album from our senior year of college and pointing to us and friends he knows, naming each one. "There's you mommy, and that's auntie Jen, and there's Daddy..." and so on. Well, he got to a photo of Lisa (his aunt) and I said, "you know who that is, who is it?" He said, "I don't remember." "You tell me." So, trying to play his game, I said, "Well, it's Dan's friend..."
He quickly shouted out, "LISA." Kurt and I chuckled at the fact that mentioning Dan, Isaac's hero, who just so happens to be Lisa's fiancee, made the connection for him. We went on thru several more pages of photos and then he came upon another picture of Kurt and I, Lisa, and my mom. He pointed to Kurt and I, saying, "Daddy and Mommy," and then said, "Dan's friend, Lisa!" It was hysterical. It's not Auntie Lisa's fiancee or friend, Dan, rather DAN'S friend!

Ciao for now. I wonder if I'll ever do this again...