Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Backtracking a bit - for memory's sake

When I started this blog, Isaac had just turned 3 and Austin was 1 1/2. There are a few token phrases and moments that Kurt and I laugh about still that they have said over the years, but for some reason I never blogged, so today, I'm backtracking and recording all of them. Okay, let's be honest, not ALL of them, but a few of them, while they're on my mind.

A favorite of ours was back when Austin was just a few months old (maybe even weeks old), we had just gone to the Garden of the Gods, I think, and we were on our way home. Back then we allowed for hot beverage-endulgences more than we do now, so we decided to go thru the Starbucks drive-thru and get a couple of drinks. We pulled up to the ordering screen and Kurt ordered a mocha for himself and a chai tea of some sort for me. The woman taking our order said, "will that be all?" and from the back of our car, Isaac, less than two years old said, "ummmmm....Isaac wants....quesadilla!" Kurt and I were roaring with laughter and then the woman said, "what was that?" We couldn't even respond we were laughing so hard. I guess we should have known then that Isaac would be quite assertive!
Another, more recent "Kids say the darndest things" moment was when Austin came down stairs and randomly said, "Dad, Uncle Dan's my best buddy. Well, you are too, Dad."

I said, "What about me, Austin?"

Austin, quite emphatically responded, "Mooooommmmm, girls aren't BUDDIES!" Had he known the word, "duh," it surely would have completed that sentence. (The look on his face, however, said it without the words!)

He's very much our "girls have cooties" boy. I count my blessings on the days that he realizes being a girl is absolutely no fault of my own! :-)

This was shortly after the day Austin, quite seriously (and randomly) said, "Dad, I'm going to start calling you 'Dad' now. Not Daddy." And ever since that moment, it truly has been "Dad." It's a bit funny, since Isaac still calls us mommy and daddy, but Austin is on to Dad and Mom (sometimes still Mommy).
Just yesterday we were at the park for lunch and a little fun. Sadly, nature called for Isaac shortly after we started playing and he was fairly certain he couldn't wait any longer, so I told the kids we had to head home. Austin was disappointed, but seemingly simpathetic to his brother, but must have given Isaac "the look," anyway. As Isaac was jumping down from the equipment and heading to the car, he said to Austin, somewhat disdainfully, "Austin, it's not like I'm a dog and can just poop anywhere!" A completely normal conversation between these two brothers...

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A Reminder

This morning I awoke just before my alarm clock to a terrible dream about terrorism. It was one of those dreams that I just couldn't get out of my head, no matter how hard I tried. Even while I was at the gym spinning, I just couldn't shake it. Then, I came home and got a quick peak at the front page of the paper that was all about the latest terrorist plots. I'm not one to normally dwell on things or to live in fear, but for some reason, today, I was somewhat paralysed with fear.

In the next couple of months, Kurt, the kids and I are travelling quite a bit, but only once as a whole family. That's the part that really paralysed me. I'm not afraid of death. I know that this is just a stop on the way to my TRUE home, but I just got so emotional about us travelling without one another and being in separate locations.

Amidst my over-reactive emotions this morning, I was reminded of Phillippians 4:8.

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.

I'd be lying if I said I'm completely at peace now, but I DO trust in the Lord and am trying to focus on truth, beauty, and what is good, and only those things I can change!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

In the Words of Forrest Gump...

"Sh** Happens!"

Just when we start to think we're close to beginning our FINAL potty training of our FINAL child, we are reminded that crappy weekends come and go. No details needed, just know that the days of dealing with others' poop may be around longer than we think...even when the "others" have been potty trained for 3 and 2 years, respectively!

Desk jobs may be easier than parenting on days like this, but we're already laughing about this, and no matter how much you enjoy your colleagues, its rare to share that good of a laugh!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Let's Get Ready for some Football

You can smell it in the air, you can sense it in our daily schedules, and it's evidenced in the hype around the beginning of football season. Fall is officially here!

In the Eilmes household there aren't too many teams that matter - UW Huskies, The NE Huskers (thanks to Wes), and of course, "The Hawks!"

Chick Fil-A hosted a FREE Chicken Sandwich day on Monday for all those "sporting" their favorite team's attire. Well, we had no problem finding enough Seahawks gear to go around, and we're not a family that passes up free food, especially if it is tasty and means I don't have to cook!

(Elyse received the cheer leader outfit the Christmas before she was born!)

The Best Cheer Leaders

Last Monday I completed my first 1/2 Marathon. I think I might be slightly "hooked" or "addicted" to running now. That's so funny for me to write, since I've never been a runner, let alone a long distance runner.

The run was on a beautiful trail, just below Pikes Peak, but the best view I saw was running past these three kiddos and their daddy, just meters from the finish!
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Meg and John ran it too, as a fundraiser for Big Brothers Little Sisters

Buffye, Jessica, Shelly and I have all trained together! Great girls!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Family Fun in the Sun

Hand-me-down swim suits: FREE, old-fashioned slip n slide: $10, camera to capture it all: $200, The resulting family fun: PRICELESS!

(This one may win us big bucks on America's Funniest Home Videos someday...)