Friday, August 17, 2007

Heaven on Earth

We recently returned from our annual trek to Heaven on Earth, CREEDE, CO! It was fabulous, other than the fact that Kurt couldn't join us for the whole week, due to some work issues. The boys had a blast and we created some great memories. Here are just a few photos from the trip.

Isaac caught the fish ALL by himself on a lure, not worms!  
(PopPop helped a bit, but he was the one who was reeling it in when they realized he had a fish!) He was pretty excited, but when we asked him to hold it, he wasn't so sure...
The best part is on video - PROOF that my boys are two COMPLETELY different kiddos. Isaac was terrified to let the fish touch him, while Austin laughed hysterically and squeezed the poor fish to death for 5 minutes. He would have gone on, but we took it away. When we tried to put the fish closer to Isaac, Isaac squeeled and Austin busted up even more!!

The bottom photo is the whole DWT family! It was fun for all of us to be together!

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1 comment:

katrina said...

Hey, us again--we see you got a haircut! Are you gonna tell us ANY news with you or do we have to find everything out via your new super hip, technologically savvy "blog"?!