Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Word choice

At dinner, we always try to get the kids to share their feelings about the day - good, bad, disappointing, frustrating, exciting, etc. We also try to get them to share some details and highights. Last night, when I asked Isaac to share more about his day at preschool he said, "Well, there was a little bit of a misunderstanding."
I prodded to get more information, since that was such an ambiguous answer.
He said, "Well, Jaiden and I had a misunderstanding. We almost broke-up."

Okay, at this point, I'm thinking to myself, "This is my 5 year old...where does he come up with this?!" But, I kept prodding and he continued.

"Jaiden doesn't want me to play with Max and she said we wouldn't be friends anymore if I play with Max, so I promised her I wouldn't play with Max for a whole week. So it's okay now."

The language he chose and the content of the conversation were a bit surreal for me, the mother of this five year old, but once he was done explaining we had a good discussion about playing together with all of his friends, rather than leaving someone out.

His same friend, Jaiden, called my cell phone today and asked for Isaac! They talked on the phone for about 10 minutes, to wish one another fun skiing this weekend and to make sure they both were bringing their "texting machine" along. (One of their friends celebrated her birthday at preschool last week and gave everyone little solar powered calculators. Jaiden and Isaac have been "texting, emailing, and calling" each other on it ever since.) Definitely a different pretend use of a calculator than when I was a kid! By the way, some of you might be wondering - Isaac says "calculator far better than Auntie Lisa!


JoAnn said...

i love these erin. and how great for you to have these memories written down. Isaac is quite a character... as are all your children! he told me about Jaiden. So, is Max a girl or a boy? have a blast skiing.

meg said...

I want to know if Lisa resents that calnculator comment. :)