Sunday, July 25, 2010

What's in a Name?

Yesterday afternoon, I was looking up recipes on the computer, while Elyse and Austin were coloring at the kitchen table. From the other room I heard Elyse say, quite randomly, "Are you Austin Eilmes?"

Ace responded affirmatively.

Then she said, "Oh, I'm Elyse...Eilmes," and continued in sing song fashion repeating her last name over and over again.

She's definitely a two-year-old and reminds me of that nearly minute to minute. Like her brothers, she's certainly not lacking in personality, which makes things interesting, comical, and challenging all at the same time. What a joy it is to be called mommy by this little girl (and her brothers).

Here's a photo of her with PopPop a few weeks ago. She was SO excited to sit in his SmartCar, just the two of them. You would have thought they were riding an amusement park ride! And that was when they were sitting parked with the keys in PopPop's pocket. THEN we decided she could buckle up and pull into and back out of our driveway.

WOW, now that was beyond exciting!

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