Friday, July 30, 2010


This year we became members of a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program with Grant Family Farms in Fort Collins. We pick it up weekly less than a mile from our house and it keeps me away from the grocery store, which, being the anti-shopper I am, I LOVE! It has been fun enjoying fresh, local, organic, seasonal produce and figuring out how to prepare it all. Even the kids are starting to get into it, even with foods their palates aren't as accustom to.

Yesterday for lunch, we pulled out the pea pods and we had a "popping party," popping the pods open and then pushing the peas out into a bowl. Elyse couldn't wait to eat her peas, so she kept eating them raw, directly from the pod, rather than waiting for me to cook them, but the boys and I cooked ours and had a little agricultural lesson in the process. I was explaining that when we get frozen peas from the grocery store, there is a long process before we put them in our cart. They grow in a pea pod first, then they are harvested, and then someone (or maybe even a machine) removes the peas from the pod, etc. "So, if you were a farmer, this is part of what you would have to do before you sold the peas."

Isaac said, in a tone that almost hinted at some annoyance that his mom had forgotten his plans, "Mom, I already told you, I'm going to be an inventor!"

"Oh, okay, I was just telling you about farming..."

"Yeah, and I'm going to be a pilot," Austin piped in. "Or maybe a football player."

"And I'm going to be a GIRL," added Elyse!

We all have our dreams...some more ambitious than others!

The boys then asked Elyse what she was going to do for her job. She said she'd play soccer for money. That's when Austin said he is going to use the money he makes playing football to help other people. I'm so thankful for the heart of compassion that God has given him.

1 comment:

Mary said...

Thanks for the smiles!