Sunday, July 25, 2010

Unloading the dishwasher

Some days are more crazy than others. Most of the time, they don't seem all that bad to me...just my normal every-day life, but if I stop to think about how it might look to others, I realize how funny our life can look.

Today, for instance, I think I started unloading the dishwasher 4 different times.
First...before the birthday party started. I had a handful of plates unloaded, then kids started arriving.
Second...after the party, I got the utensil carrier out and a few things from it put away, before I realized if I didn't go change the laundry right then, it may get musty and I'd have to run it for a third time (since I already forgot about it yesterday).
Third attempt...went back to finish after the laundry and was greeted by my favorite four-year-old, but he was naked and wet. Only half of his hair was wet, so I knew I had to throw him back in the tub to "re" wash his hair. As I was sudsing up his hair, I realized just how comical a little task like unloading the dishwasher could be...
Fourth time was a charm! Correct that, I just realized it wasn't! I saw the need to vacuum before finally finishing the dishwasher, so Kurt finally completed my task! What a wonderful partner he is!


Claire said...

I love this....didn't you send me something once about how one task turned into a whole days work b/c one thing led to another?

Mary said...

I love it...happens to me all the time! So you can't just blame the's just life! :D