Sunday, September 14, 2008

Five Months Old


Elyse is five months today! I really can't believe how fast she is growing. Maybe it's because I know she's my last, or the fact that she's so much bigger than the boys were at this stage. I'm not even really a "baby crazy" person, but I'm already realizing the "last" milestones. She's such a joy! I love just talking, singing, and playing with her. (So do the boys.) She seems to completely comprehend everything that goes on in our crazy lives!

She's been teething for the last month, so she drools more than a puppy. She also shoves her entire hand or at least two fingers in her mouth at all times! Strangely, I think she'll get her upper "fang" teeth first. Every day I look to see if they're in yet, and she is so cute and helpful by saying, "AHHHH" each time! They are SO close. You can see them fully, there's just a very thin layer of gum covering them. All in all, the teething hasn't taken too big of a toll on our happy little girl. She's also about to sit on her own. She rolls constantly and loves to jump in her jumperoo! She goes CRAZY in it! Tummy time isn't a "chore" anymore, but she still would prefer to stand or be on her back. (Like her oldest brother, she may not crawl much and go to the walking sooner...) She truly is an extremely happy little girl.
For her 5th Month Birthday (ha), MiMi and PopPop took us all to Santa's Workshop at the North Pole! It was a complete surprise for the boys. They thought we were going hiking, which they were excited about, too, but as we drove up the mountain, we kept seeing signs with elves on them, then signs with Santa and his reindeer, and finally a huge sign that said, "Welcome to the North Pole!"
What a great day it was! Isaac and Austin, but especially Isaac, blew us away with their courage. These are my kida, who until a few months ago, were scared to swing more than a few inches back and forth! Isaac has always been fairly timid, and fearless Austin, follows whatever his brother says and does (if he says it's scary, it must be...). Well, Isaac rode EVERY possible ride there was to ride and loved each of them. The funny part was, that we finished on the huge slide at the end of the day (which we began with, as well) and that, is what he said was the one he had to be most brave for!
Austin didn't like the fast, spinning ones. (Either did Mommy!) I'm hoping that it's not because I'm getting old, but just a hormone thing with a nursing baby...I got so dizzy, on rides I used to love!
Elyse rode the train with us, but other than that, she was a great spectator. She slept
maybe 20 minutes all day! She just couldn't bear to miss the action! Even with so little sleep, she was happy the entire time! It was a grand time, had by all. It was fun stirring up memories I had from my childhood visit!
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1 comment:

Claire said...

I love your regular updates!!!! Keep them coming..the kids are adorable! Grace was an early teether too.

take care,
