Friday, May 18, 2012

Our Little Sweetheart

The title of this post should actually be "Every one's Sweetheart!" 
It's clear that Ace is naturally our nurturing, sweet kid!  He just cares for others, shares, and loves from his heart, not because he knows he should, but because that's just his nature.  Simply put, he's a sweety.  This is not to say the other two aren't sweet kids, but they tend to be sweet because they're - dare I say - for the most part, "well trained."  There's no filter with Ace.  What you see, hear, and experience is the real deal.  Many times I've been stopped by teachers and parents to hear a story about a situation where Ace was himself, and just extremely nurturing or helpful to a peer, a teacher, or a younger sibling of a friend.  That's just what he does.

However, he's also "our little sweetheart," because he is already turning a lot of heads!  The girls in kindergarten and first grade tend to whisper and talk a lot about this little man of ours.  He's been given flowers on numerous occasions from girls in his class and moms have joked with me that they have already started their daughter's dowry and they want to know how they can arrange a prom date with Austin for their daughter, because they "know he'll have her home by 10 and be the perfect gentleman."  Seriously, I'm not just talking about one conversation or one mom.  He's catching the hearts of little girls and moms!

The other day, I found a note in Isaac's backpack from a friend of his - a first grade girl.  It was apologizing for something.  It was, as some first-grade writing is, a bit difficult to decipher, so I asked Isaac about it.  He explained that everybody was talking about Ace and he didn't like it.  I asked them what they were saying.  He said, everybody was talking about all the girls liking Ace - the first grade girls and the kindergarten girls!  I told Isaac I'm happy for him to stick up for a friend or a sibling if people are speaking inappropriately or meanly about someone else, but that it isn't mean to say someone likes Ace.  He just kept saying, "I just didn't like it."  As we talked, I started to realize that some of his dislike could have spurred from jealousy.  We talked about how Ace is a very likable kid and he will probably always be talked about - in a good way.  Isaac is a very likable kid too.  He's the kid that is nice to everyone and everyone likes and respects him.  Somehow though, at this point in the game, Ace is capturing a myriad of hearts, in a different kind of way.

Who could resist this sweet face, paired with his loving heart?
 The best part about "our little sweetheart?"  He has no clue!!  He's just living life the way His creator created him and is completely oblivious to all of these onlookers!  I just love that!  It's incredible to see God's fingerprints all over our kids, in such unique ways.

1 comment:

Mary said...

All I can say is "ditto!" to everything you said about Ace. I describe him as our little "lover." You didn't mention his incredible enthusiasm and joie de vivre which, of course, is part of what makes him so loveable.