Sunday, May 13, 2012

Our First Ballet Recital

 Our little Ballerina
Saturday marked the first (most likely, of many) ballet recitals.  Elyse has been dancing at a fabulous studio that teaches the girls ballet and other dance as a form of worship.  Most of the songs they dance to are worship songs, they have a monthly Bible memory verse, and they focus on modesty.  It's been a great place for Elyse to get started.

Her young group danced to Baby Face on Saturday and I video taped (most of) their rehearsal.  It was pretty darn cute.  She had an absolute blast dancing on the big stage under the lights.  For the actual recital, I volunteered to collect tickets, so I got to pick our seats early.  We were dead center in the front row!  She could see us, so I think we were a bit of a distraction, but she was so excited to see us and Megs and Bunkie!  It certainly brought back many memories of my dancing days!

 Elyse with Ms. Jennifer

 Curtain Call
So excited!!

1 comment:

Mary said...

Love, love, love! And I am thrilled that Elyse seems to love ballet as much as her Mama! This brings back so many memories.....