Friday, May 18, 2012

The End of an Era

Yesterday was Elyse's last day of preschool for the year.  She still has a whole other year of preschool, so it's not really the end of an era, but it's the end of this season.  She's been in school three mornings per week this year.  Next year will be four mornings per week.  She is so ready.  She actually thought that Kindergarten was next year.  Why wouldn't it be?  Isaac went to Kindergarten, then Ace, and naturally, she would be the following year. 

One last story with Mrs. Dwors

Elyse and her friend, Hadessah enjoying ice cream sundaes

Elyse with her fabulous teachers, Mrs. Dwors and Mrs. Trujillo
Sorry, little girl!  You still have another year of these sweet preschool years.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I'm excited our girls get a year together!