Saturday, May 19, 2012


Last week I spent a good part of a day planning out our summer - from booking some childcare for crucial workdays to marking all of the Colorado Free Days for museums, gardens, etc.on my calendar.  It felt good to have a few things nailed down, but I sure do look forward to the flexibility and spontaneity of summer!

While looking for free days, I noticed that this weekend Bemis Art School, part of Colorado Springs Fine Art Center, was hosting a free family art day.  All three kids love arts and crafts and I am not overly motivated to do a myriad of crafts at home, so this was a no-brainer.  Kurt worked at home and the four of us had a blast getting messy and making some fun things.  The theme was Native Americans and there were four or five well-planned art activities in which families could participate.  We will definitely be participating in these family fun days again.

It was a great reminder that we were created to be creators.  Our creator, the creator of the universe, created each one of us uniquely, in His image.  No matter how "unartistic" we deem ourselves, we are creators and our creations are a form of worship!


Kirby said...

I also laid out our summer plans, but I don't know where all to look for free places to visit. Can you email me your list? :-)

Diane said...

Can't wait to see and hear all about the summer activities. Thanks for sharing through your blog, Erin.