Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Day that Was...just a glimpse

Came home at 4:50 a.m. from a friend's house, where I slept last night to help her in her final days of her pregnancy while her hubby is gone.

Entered the house to find the burning candle that I had reminded my hubby about as I left the house the night before, still burning 10 hours later.

Headed up to my bathroom to quickly put my hair up before my work-out, to find the dog had vomited in two places on the carpet.

Let my hubby know, so he could take care of it while I went off to climb the incline.

Had a great morning hike and jog with two girlfriends.

Returned home to find the stench of the dog vomit had not subsided.

Reheated pancakes from this weekend's "pancake day," got each kid fruit and drinks, and managed to get myself some sort of nourishment while going back and forth between the table and refrigerator to meet all of their requests.

Pulled off E's diaper and clothes, and hopped in the shower with her (after nearly stepping on the gross wet towel covering the aforementioned dog vomit.)

Showered (with at least one child).

Pulled on clothes for myself and Elyse.

"Strongly encouraged" the boys to get a move on with their sandals and swim gear.

Printed up a check for the boys' swim lessons.

Left the house with wet hair and no make-up.

Answered a myriad of questions, from curious boys, in the 10 minute car ride to swim lessons.

Proudly watched the boys in their lessons.

Drove home to change and head to Costco.

Received many cute comments about my two-year-old's tantrum that occurred in Costco due to the dropping of her sample of almonds.

Let the kids sample every item Costco was sampling.

Spent over $60 on a trip planned for "just bread and Splenda."

Agreed to treat the kids to lunch at Costco.

Dropped off lunch to Daddy at work.

Saw a plumber's truck that said, "We're number 1 in the number 2 business" and shared it with the kids.

Joined in the hysterical laughter of three kids who LOVE potty humor.

Drove home for rest time.

Did the "potty dance" with all three of the kids because Elyse went poop in the potty!!

Read two books - one for the boys and one for Ms. E.

Told Elyse she could sleep with her "favorite" book, as long as she didn't tear it.

Left the boys in their room for quiet Lego time.

Folded laundry.

Helped a friend look for housing.

Edited some marketing material for my dad.

Dinked on Facebook.

Did more laundry.

Played with the boys.

Noticed a huge tear in the rear of Austin's shorts.

Discussed lying vs. telling the truth for what seemed like decades after that.

Went to get Elyse from her nap and heard her say, "Don't look at the book, Mom...don't look at the book!" Which meant clearly she had ruined it.

Kept my cool, but disciplined her for being destructive.

Discovered another, previously undiscovered pile of dog vomit "hidden" under the dirty clothes pile in the closet.

Cleaned closet floor.

Did another load of laundry.

Got dinner prepared.

Vacuumed family and living rooms.

Cleaned kitchen.

Picked up family room.

Fed kids, while I waited for Kurt, since he had late meetings.

Finished vacuuming as Kurt read to kids.

Prayed as a family.

Ate with Kurt and played a game of scrabble, which I won, by the way.

Slept like a baby...I hope!!

Some days seem more ORDERLY than others...some days seem more CHAOTIC. Either way, if I can step back and watch, rather than be completely consumed, it's a great chaordic life.


skm22777 said...

Another day for SuperMom. You truly are an amazing parent, wife, and friend!!!

Claire said...

Loved the glimpse at your day...hope you are all doing well and that Sowie's tummy is feeling better :)

Mary said...

WOW! I do remember days like that. I can't believe I ever had the energy to keep up that pace...I certainly don't have it now. "To everything there is a season...." :D

Jessie said...

I don't really know what to say, but I loved reading that post. :) You are amazing, friend. What a great life it is!

Princess Grace said...

Amazing what you go done in a day, makes me feel a little lazy I guess for working at a desk for 8 hours. What a great reminder that mom/wife/worker/friend is so important to everyone.

JoAnn said...

guess I haven't looked in a while. Thanks for all the blogs! This one is terrific. As your friends have said, you truly are an amazing mom. God has given you a beautiful family and gifted you with all you need to keep it that way! see you soon!