Thursday, April 15, 2010

Easter 2010

For the first time in years, the weather on Easter was sunny and somewhat warm. For the past (at least) 3 years, we've had snow. It was a nice change, which allowed the kids to have an Easter Egg Hunt outside, if you can imagine, and it also meant we even got a few outdoor photos.

It was fun dressing my little girl! I have to admit, the wardrobe of a little girl is so much more exciting than that of a little boy's! The question Easter week wasn't "does Elyse have anything to wear," it was "out of all these beautiful clothes that have been gifted to us, how are we ever going to choose one outfit?!" As you can see, we went for a long pink dress that had scalloped edging and had a tiny bit of an old-fashioned feel to it. I really wanted an Easter bonnet for her. In my quest for the perfect bonnet, I kept coming up with hats that were way too big, gaudy, or expensive. Finally I tried the Dollar Store, of all places, and sure enough, they had them - simple, but perfect. The only problem was they didn't have anymore pink - just green and blue. I went for the blue and figured we could tie it all together with a blue sweater. It worked!
Kurt attended nearly all of the mid-day Holy Week services and I got to go to the Maundy Thursday service, which included a foot washing and communion. It was a very powerful service and I was struck with what an incredible example of servant leadership Jesus was. God started speaking to me at that service about a new possible "calling" or project that He might have in the works for me. It's exciting - more to come later, but I need to continue praying about it and discerning all the "W's" - when, where, what, etc.

Throughout the week prior to Easter the kids and I had been talking a lot about Easter and what it is we are really celebrating and remembering. We read some great children's books and read directly from the Gospel, too. Isaac had some really great questions and we hit upon things we hadn't ever really delved into, so it was exciting. Isaac's understanding of His faith and the Bible, as well as His relationship with the Lord continue to amaze me.One evening...Friday, I think, the boys were in the back of the car together as we drove around doing a few errands, as a family, and we heard Isaac, our little evangelist, asking his brother if he had asked Jesus into his heart yet. There was a lot of loving encouragement, not coercing, just encouragement. We didn't say anything, we just let them be brothers. Later that night, at prayer time, Austin asked Jesus into his heart! It was a pretty exciting moment. I'm not totally sure he gets it completely and he'll probably do it several more times, but it was a first step, so it was neat. And what a fitting weekend for him to take that first step?!

Below are a few photos from our Easter - Alleluia He is Risen!!

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