Thursday, April 29, 2010

A few comments from Elyse

I wish I had a recorder on me, to record the funny things Elyse says these days, but I don't, and sadly, my memory is not what it used to be. (As I told Lisa today, when she mocked me for saying Isaac's birthday was the wrong day, "you lose a little brain power with each kid..." - she'll discover that soon enough!)

Anyway, I wanted to write down a few of her recent comments that I do remember.

Tonight at dinner just before she was about to dive right into her meal, I said, "Wait! Elyse still needs something." I pointed to her neck and said, "what goes here?" She looked down and said very nonchalantly, "a necklace!"

Yeah, I guess she's right, but that wasn't quite what I was going for...a necklace doesn't exactly protect her clothing from the soon-to-come mess of food! She is SO girlie!! It's pretty cute, but I'm not sure where that comes from!
Also at dinner, we had music on in the background. At one point, while the boys and I were discussing doing some math "problems," some Steve Perry or Journey song came on and Elyse interrupted and said, "Dad, Dad! This is my favorite song!" She's quite the little communicator!

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