Friday, April 20, 2012

No more Monkey's jumping on the bed!

On February 19th we faced a new adventure. All three kids were up on Isaac's top bunk goofing around together and having lots of fun. Moments before the "incident," Kurt had gone into the kids and told them to stop jumping from the top bunk to the bottom bunk. I honestly think they did stop that, however, there were still three crazy kids crammed onto one high bed, and well, with the help of a little laughter, shoving, and craziness, one of those kiddos tumbled off.

Ace was definitely hurt. The question was, was it serious, or just a bruise. We didn't know. Thanks be to God, Ace slept through the night that Sunday night with only one initial dose of Ibuprophen, so when he awoke the next morning, we briefly questioned the need to even see a doctor. He was able to move his arm, gingerly, and although it didn't look quite "right," it didn't necessarily look like more than a bruise and he said it felt a lot better. Thankfully after some prayer and discussion, we decided to take him to a professional to make sure. Sure enough, he had broken his forearm and dislocated his elbow, which needed immediate surgery! Whoa, that is not what I was expecting to hear. It was hard to believe our little boy was going to be put under anesthesia! It was scary, but at the same time I was totally at peace and knew the Lord was in control. He sent us to a fabulous pediatric orthopedic surgeon, who was absolutely wonderful! We were surrounded by prayers and support. So many people came to pray with us and visit us before and during the surgery, that we didn't even have time to worry!

Long story short: Ace was trooper in surgery. It couldn't have gone better, he came out of the anesthesia so easily, he had a rockstar neon-green cast which he sported around Colorado and Florida in the pool, at the beach, on the playground and everywhere else for 6 weeks, and is healing perfectly!! (Needless to say, this didn't slow the kid down too much...) The cast is now off and $6K out of pocket later, we are on the mend. He still has to be quite careful of the elbow, but he should be 100% soon.
Just before surgery. He was fairly relaxed, as he got to watch the Disney Channel on a personal tv attached to his bed!

Daddy wasn't quite as calm, as you can see by his "smile."

Having fun, just a few days after the surgery.

D-Day! All three kids LOVED the process of getting the cast removed. (Oh, and P.S. there was a quarter and a few other "trinkets" found in the cast after 6 weeks!)

1 comment:

skm22777 said...

What a story, and what a memory! Hope all will be healed for swimming this summer:-) Oh, and happy belated b-day to Miss Elyse!! Miss you all, Sarah