Sunday, April 12, 2009

He Is Risen


In what seems to be less of a phenomenon each year, Colorado Springs was blessed with a beautiful white blanket of snow this morning. I know most people picture Easter with tulips, green grass, and 70 degree weather - that's not the case here. But, we're getting used to white Easters. (I can remember more white Easters than Christmases, actually.) Isaac made the best argument ever for why Easter shouldn't be any other way!

In his infinite 4-year-old wisdom, Isaac said to me this morning, "Why do we have snow on Easter, Mommy?" I said, "Honey, I don't know, I think God knew we needed the moisture." He then said, "It's because that's what God did when Jesus died on the cross. He made us clean - as white as snow, right?!"

That's RIGHT!

In that case, I think we should ALWAYS have White Easters!

Happy Easter from the Eilmi!
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1 comment:

Elise said...

I love Isaac's take on our white Easters!