Sunday, March 15, 2009



For the past 6 days or so, we've been enjoying a fabulous family vacation in Naples, FL with my parents. I don't think I've ever spent so much time in my bathing suit before in my life! We've gone to the beach for hours everyday and the kids have spent half the day in the pool too. We are definitely wearing them out. It really has been a perfect vacation.

Tonight, however, made the trip even more special. The Discovery Space Shuttle was scheduled to blast off at 7:38 from Cape Canaveral. Kurt and I saw it in the newspaper earlier today and thought how cool it would be to be there with our kids sometime, knowing their intense obsession with space/space shuttles/things that fly. Well, at 7:38, or whenever it actually took off, we all went out on my parents' front veranda and watched, with our own eyes, in real time, the Discovery Space Shuttle take off!!! It was incredible. I think any kid would have thought it was awesome, but these are two kids completely enamored with space!!! Thank you, Lord! What an unbelievable experience!!

The photo above is everyone waiting with anticipation to see if we can actually spot the shuttle. Here's one of the shuttle, and then the 4 of us (Elyse had already gone to bed) with the trail behind us! What a cool night! Isaac and Austin are dreaming of the Eilmes brother astronauts!
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Claire said...

That is pretty darn cool....I love he photos!!!

JoAnn said...

awesome. what an experience for all of you. Can't wait to hear the boys tell us the story! So glad that you're having fun. I bet Kurt is even enjoying himself. I loved those days when we spent all day at the beach with the kids. Great memories.

Jessie said...


Kristin Chadwick said...

How cool, Erin! When I went to school in St. Augustine, we were able to watch it, too. It is so surreal to watch it. And what fun for your kiddos to see it. That will be a magical memory.

Nathan said...

Pretty awesome!