Sunday, October 4, 2009

Lovin' Colorado!

This weekend we had the opportunity to get away as a family and head to the mountains. Several times I found myself thinking, wow, we're really grown up - on a family vacation that doesn't include visiting or seeing ANYONE we know or are related to! It was a fun trip. The kids went several days without quiet time and/or naps, so we had some crazy/loopy kids by the end of the weekend, but it was worth it! The fall colors were beautiful. Below are a few photos from the trip.

We went to the hotsprings and both boys jumped off the 1 meter diving board SEVERAL times. Austin really started swimming, too! Elyse loves the water, too, so she's not too far behind.

I ran along Glenwood Canyon Saturday morning and once again, I had a great cheering squad! The run was beautiful, along the river the whole way, with the fall colors abounding.

We went on a mini-hike and got some beautiful views of the Canyon from above.

Kurt got to see Doc Holliday's grave!


JoAnn said...

gorgeous family.

Jessie said...

I just checked your blog and was rewarded with several posts to read! Look how cute you all are in the pics on your fall getaway. :) I am way impressed the boys both jumped off the diving board! And all of this long-distance running sounds awfully ambitious to me... :)